Back stitch video tutorial
In the video tutorial of back stitch below I show you how to embroider this essential hand embroidery stitch.
The backstitch is made backward to the general direction of sewing. In hand embroidery, this stitch forms the lines and is most often used to outline shapes and to add fine detail to an embroidered picture. You can also use it to embroider lettering. This stitch can be worked both straight and curved. You can make even the smallest and most detailed curves by adjusting the lengths of the stitch.
Watch a video tutorial below and learn how to embroider a back stitch.
There are many variations of the backstitch. Some of them are:
If you want to learn more about essential hand embroidery stitches, read my blog post about “The top 10 hand embroidery stitches you should learn” or Sign Up for a free hand embroidery course where you will learn all these 10 stitches!
Looking for some other hand embroidery stitch tutorial? Check out my Blog’s tab Video tutorials or my YouTube channel and learn!
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Looking for a project where you could use the Backstitch?
Sampler PDF pattern of the top 10 hand embroidery stitches
Sign up for my newsletter and get FREE access to an online course that includes a Downloadable PDF of Sampler Pattern in 2 sizes and stitch indications, Pattern transfer instructions, Video lesson and text information on how to start and finish to stitch in hand embroidery, Video’s and text information about all 10 stitches you will learn
Hand embroidery pattern and tutorial, Small flower in four colorways, beginner embroidery
☆ PDF pattern and embroidery instructions that include:
The full-size printable stitching pattern, Color guide, Stitch guide, Material list, Instructions for transferring pattern, Stitching instructions, Links to video lessons, Instructions for finishing the hoop.
☆ The pattern is written in English
☆ The size of the finished hoop – 4 inches / 10 cm.
Pink abstract flower hoop art pdf pattern
☆ PDF pattern and embroidery instructions that include:
The full-size printable stitching pattern, Color guide, Stitch guide, Material list, Instructions for transferring pattern, Stitching instructions, Links to video lessons, Instructions for finishing the hoop.
☆ The pattern is written in English
☆ The size of the finished hoop – 7 inches / 17 cm.