Filling stitches for hand embroidery list

Filling stitches

Filling stitches for hand embroidery are a group of surface stitches that are used to fill in specific parts of a design or the area around a design. In modern hand embroidery, you can choose from a wide range of stitches for the surface covering. Some will cover the area completely, others will leave some fabric visible.

You can learn more about hand embroidery filling stitches in these articles:

The list of video tutorials of the filling stitches for hand embroidery in the alphabetic order:


Blanket stitch filling

Blanket stitch filling in circles

Brick stitch

Burden stitch


Chain stitch filling

Chevron stitch filling

Couching stitch filling

Crossed Fly stitch filling

Cross stitch


Double Chevron stitch filling


French knot


Half Chevron stitch filling

Honeycomb filling


Japanese darning stitch


Lattice stitch (Lattice work)

Long and short stitch


Otomi stitch


Padded Satin stitch


Satin stitch

Seed stitch 

Stem stitch filling

Split stitch filling


Trellis stitch


Weave stitch (weaving stitch)

The list of the stitches is growing

Keep in mind that this is not a finished list of embroidery stitches.

I film and add new video tutorials to my YouTube channel and Blog every week. So, also the lists of the stitches are updated weekly.

If you are looking for a specific hand embroidery stitch and don’t find it on the List of hand embroidery stitches, you can contact me HERE, and I will be glad to add a new stitch to the Blog!

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Filling stitches for hand embroidery