Meandering stitch video tutorial
This video tutorial demonstrates how to embroider a parallel running stitch, also called a meandering stitch.
A meandering stitch is a hand embroidery stitch made in two steps. First, we embroider two parallel rows of a simple running stitch. The stitches in the rows are placed one under the other. The second step – lacing. We lace a thread through the two rows of running stitches to form a decorative motive. We can use the same color both for running stitches and for lacing. Also, we can combine up to three different colors in this stitch.
The meandering stitch would look great in border designs or as a decorative motive on the seams. Besides that, you can add beads to this stitch and make it even more outstanding.
Some additional tips:
- Make all the running stitches the same length so the final ornament is symmetric and fluid.
- Different lengths of the running stitches will create different patterns – play with it.
- Use a blunt needle, like a tapestry needle (or a back of the needle), for lacing. Be careful not to snag the running stitch or the fabric under and not to hurt your fingers if you use the eye of a regular embroidery needle.
Watch a video tutorial below and learn how to embroider the meandering stitch.
More variations of the running stitch:
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