Easter Egg felt decorations with Daisies embroidery
Embroidery patterns,  DIY Tutorials,  Home decor and gifts

Easter Egg felt decoration with Daisies

Tutorial + FREE pattern download

Easter is coming!

Let’s create some Easter eggs with embroidered Daisies to make your Easter decor unique and unforgettable. You will be able to use these Easter ornaments for many years. Decorate your Easter tree or make a special gift for your friends and family!

The size of the finished Egg decoration will be 5,5 cm x 7 cm (2.2 x 2.8 inches)

Tools and materials
Tools and materials for Easter egg tutorial

For this project, you will need:

  • Printed pattern. Download a FREE printable pattern and Color guide
  • White felt material, 8 x 12 cm (3,2 x 5 inches)
  • Embroidery floss. I use DMC cotton floss. You will find color codes of my suggested three different color combinations in the download
  • White sewing thread
  • Embroidery needle. I recommend using needle No. 8 for two strands of embroidery floss.
  • Sharp big needle, big enough to accommodate a ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon 30 cm (12 inches)
  • Wooden or plastic bead with a large hole, big enough to accommodate a ribbon
  • Some stuffing material (polyester stuffing, cotton or similar)
Transferring the pattern

Cut out the paper Egg shapes from a printed pattern.

With a large sharp needle, make holes on the dots that mark the center of the flower. Place the model on the felt material and trace a shape around. Through the holes that you made, mark the center of each Daisy. Use a friction pen for transferring, as it is easy to erase later.

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Transferring the pattern of the egg

For this project, you will use these stitches:

  • French knots to make the center of the Daisy. Watch a video tutorial of French knots HERE
  • Detached chain stitch (Lazy Daisy stitch) to make petals of the flowers and leaves. Watch a video tutorial of Lazy Daisy stitch HERE
  • Blanket stitch to sew pieces together. The tutorial of the Blanket stitch sewing is HERE
French knots

Start with French knots. Embroider a knot on every dot you have transferred

Add the petals. First, embroider four petals, then add a chain stitch in between petals that you just made.

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Blue small daisy flower

Embroider all the petals on both sides of the Egg. Then, add some leaves.

Blue daisies hand embroidery
Easter egg with embroidered daisies
Assembling the Egg

Cut out from the felt both parts of the Egg with embroidered Daisies.

Remove the tracing marks. If you used a Friction pen, you would easily remove tracing marks with a hot hairdryer of an iron.

Put both parts together and sew them with a Blanket stitch, using the white sewing thread. At the bottom, leave a hole for stuffing.

Put the stuffing material inside the Egg and finish sewing. Close the hole and secure the thread.

Easter egg felt decoration sewing
Easter egg felt decoration stuffing

Thread a ribbon into the large sharp needle and pass it through the felt material at the top of the Egg.

Put a wooden bead on top.

Making a felt decoration Easter egg
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Your Easter Egg decoration is ready!

Make some more and decorate an Easter tree!

Easter decorations from felt - bunny and egg
Easter bunny felt decoration with hand embroidered lavender
Easter egg felt decoration